Give guests a simple way to bring your restaurant home with customisable menus, advance ordering, and more through OpenTable.
Diversify your revenue streams by offering easy online and in-app takeaway ordering and payments.
Online orders flow directly through OpenTable, making it easy to manage alongside reservations.
Showcase your menu to our network, making it easy for people to order and enjoy at home.
Takeaway allows us to serve our guests outside of the dining room. The added revenue has been an integral part to our business that we plan to continue even when we are back at full capacity for reservations.
Shari Holcomb, Manager
Blue Ridge Grill, Atlanta, GA
The largest, most valuable diner network
Connect to diners when you need them most, so you can maximise revenue and repeat business.
A reliable all-in-one platform
Manage your business with intuitive tools and actionable insights you can rely on.
At your service
Serving over 60,000 businesses, our industry experts help you achieve success.
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